2015-10月至12月 基督教聯合那打素社康服務-愛鄰網絡(秀茂坪)-「愛鄰探訪展愛心」

香港愛心魔法團有幸獲邀參與基督教聯合那打素社康服務-愛鄰網絡(秀茂坪)於2015年10月至12月舉辦的「愛鄰探訪展愛心」活動。活動中香港愛心魔法團義工透過表演和教授愛心魔法予獨居長者及長期病患,為他們送上關懷和歡樂;愛心魔法不僅能從感官上、精神上給老友記帶來歡笑;老友記通過練習愛心魔法,豐富退休生活,鍛煉腦部及身體機能的靈活性,為生活帶來更多的改變和驚喜! 義工朋友在探訪的過程中,透過與公公婆婆交流,聽著他們細膩的人生故事,感受當中甜酸苦辣的做人道理。父母勞苦大半輩子,養育我們平安健康成長,圖的並不是大富大貴,而是“常回家看看”的親情和“一起說說話”的精神慰藉。義工朋友在短短不到一小時的探訪中,帶給长者們的不單是一種陪伴,更是一份關懷和祝福。烏鴉尚懂反哺之情,子欲養而親健在是多少人渴望的幸福,作為子女的我們,不要讓忙碌成為阻擋回家的屏障!

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus was invited to join the event「愛鄰探訪展愛心」hold  by United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service- Good Neighbour Network in October to December 2015. Our volunteers performed and taught caring magic tricks to the elderly, which not only brought a lot of joyfulness to them, but also could develop their flexibility physically.We learnt the ups and downs of their old days during the talking. The most we felt that accompany is the best return to parents. We grew up with their constant care and love and we should like to crow feeding to take care of them while they’re getting older with grey hair and wrinkles.