

香港愛心魔法團   使命

透過推動「關愛教育Caring Education」 及「愛心魔法」慈善活動,以推廣志願服務(Volunteerism),並栽培重視社會責任的領袖,籍此成為一個主張為生命帶來歡樂的全球運動。


為了鼓勵義工領袖按照「香港愛心魔法團」的核心理念,透過「愛心魔法」為生命帶來歡樂,同時支持義工獎勵制度,本團在2014年7月底正式推出Hour Award愛心魔法義工年度獎 及M.A.G.I.C. Award愛心魔法義工領袖獎(包括五大評審準則) 。所有在本團登記之認可個人義工可獲資格被提名。

1.           Hour Award義工年度時數獎個人年度義工獎Annual Individual Volunteer Award


Caring Magic Bronze Service Award



Caring Magic Silver Service Award



Caring Magic Gold Service Award



Caring Magic Outstanding Volunteer Award





Most Supportive Volunteer Award



Caring Magic Long Service Award

每年持續服務香港愛心魔法團 至少20小時(獎項頒發期為 :3週年,5週年,10週年,15週年…)

備註:年度個人義工的金、銀、銅獎得獎者同時獲得香港愛心魔法團提名其 參與香港社會福利署或是義務工作發展局等相似的義工時數獎項。備註:本團義工服務時數獎項的評準是參考義務工作發展局的嘉許制度 (http://www.avs.org.hk/hkcv_award/cht/ )


2.           Hour Award團體年度時數獎團體年度義工獎Annual Corporate Volunteer Award


–          愛心魔法紅寶石服務獎 Caring Magic Ruby Service Award:


–          愛心魔法翡翠服務獎Caring Magic Emerald Service Award:


–          愛心魔法籃寶石Caring Magic Sapphire Service Award:



除了得到以上的獎項外,對本團有著長期貢獻的團體或企業將獲得香港愛心魔法團提名 其參與「商界展關懷」等獎項。

3.           愛心魔法義工領袖獎勵 (M.A.G.I.C. Award)Caring Magic Volunteer Leadership Award

愛心魔法義工領袖獎勵(M.A.G.I.C. Award) 是一個為愛心魔法義工領袖而設的獎勵。有五大的評審準則,期望藉此培訓出全面發展的義工領袖。需獲本團評審委員會作最後確認。


3.1  管理Management (M)

 解釋: 鼓勵義工於團內擔任管理及領袖的角色,負責義工服務項目,以及成為隊長。

計分基準 : “M”是根據義工的相關服務時數而計算的



3.2  聯繫Alignment (A)

解釋: 透過鼓勵義工聯繫其他機構及合作伙伴,期望義工能認同及支持本團的理念及發展方向。

計分基準: “A”是根據義工為本團成功聯繫的機構、介紹的新項目及新團員的數目而計算的


10 分

= 每1次成功為本團帶來推薦並聯繫一間願意成為本團的認可支持機構

5 分



1 分

= 每推薦1位新登記的愛心魔法義工

3.3  成長Growth (G)

解釋: 本團一直關注義工的個人成長,期望透過義務工作,義工領袖能發展其溝通、解難、協調、激勵及談判技巧。

計分基準: “G”是根據義工在出席認可的訓練課程 (包括由本團或其他機構籌辦) 所累積的持續專業發展服務時數而計算(擔任本團活動的協調員或訓練員皆可列入計算)


–          訓練項目中擔任協調員或訓練員

每一個持續專業發展服務小時可當作 5 分計算

–          出席本團籌辦的活動或訓練課程

每持續專業發展服務小時可當作 2 分計算

–          出席其他機構籌辦的活動或訓練課程

每持續專業發展服務小時可當作 1 分計算

3.4  投入Involvement (I)

解釋: 鼓勵義工投入時間於義務工作中,包括本團或其他機構認可的義工服務

計分基準: “I”是根據義工於本團或其他機構認可的義工服務中所投放的服務時數而計算的



3.5  貢獻Contribution (C)

解釋: 鼓勵義工領袖對本團以不同的形式貢獻,包括推薦新的義工參與本團服務、籌募經費等

計分基準: “C”是根據義工介紹的新團員人數、捐款的數額而計算的




當義工符合所有五個(M.A.G.I.C) 評審標準,他們就可以進入下一個階段。

而五個(M.A.G.I.C)評審準則可以被劃分為不同的 「Wand」。

Points 積分 管理(M) 聯繫(A) (G) 投入(I) 貢獻(C)
1-Wand 200 100 100 1000 100
2-Wand 400 200 200 2000 200
3-Wand 600 300 300 3000 300
4-Wand 800 400 400 4000 400
5-Wand 1000 500 500 5000 500

備註: 以上五個評審準則的獎勵積分可以累積,但最多只是連續3

義工領袖如在五個評審的領域中達到合資格的水平,他們便可以被本團理事會提名獲取 「愛心魔法義工領袖獎」

–          愛心魔法義工領袖 一星章 (Achieve 1-Wand for all M.A.G.I.C. criteria)

–          愛心魔法義工領袖 二星章 (Achieve 2-Wand for all M.A.G.I.C. criteria)

–          愛心魔法義工領袖 三星章 (Achieve 3-Wand for all M.A.G.I.C. criteria)

–          愛心魔法義工領袖 四星章 (Achieve 4-Wand for all M.A.G.I.C. criteria)

–          愛心魔法義工領袖 五星章 (Achieve 5-Wand for all M.A.G.I.C. criteria)

愛心魔法義工領袖 五星章是本團義工之最高榮譽。

Organization Postioning

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus Mission

To become a global action for bringing happiness in life by promoting volunteerism and nourishing socially responsible leaders through Caring Education and community services with Caring magic.

Volunteer Awarding Criteria –Hour Award and M.A.G.I.C. Award

In order to bring happiness to life as a volunteer leader serving the community in line with our core values, Hour Award (annual volunteer award) and M.A.G.I.C. Award (volunteer leadership award – with five measuring criteria) would be adopted to support the Caring Magic volunteer awarding system.  Only registered individual volunteers under HKCMC are eligible for the nomination.

1.           Hour Award Annual Individual Volunteer Award

Caring Magic Bronze Service Award

Serve 50 – 99 hours within a year

Caring Magic Silver Service Award

Serve 100 – 199 hours within a year

Caring Magic Gold Service Award

Serve 200 – 299 hours within a year

Caring Magic Outstanding Volunteer Award

(Must fulfill all the criteria of award at the right column at the same time)

Serve 500 hours or above within a year;With substantial contribution to volunteerism and community services;

With the approval of the screening panel (interview may be required)

Most Supportive Volunteer Award

For top three individual volunteers with highest number of volunteer hours

Caring Magic Long Service Award

Continuously serving HKCMC every year with at least 20 hours annually, the awards are presented for: 3 Years, 5 Years, 10 Years, 15 Years, etc.

(Remarks: Awards presented according to volunteer hours is made reference to http://www.avs.org.hk/hkcv_award/cht/ )

Individual awardees of Bronze, Silver and Gold awards are also eligible to be nominated for similar award of Hong Kong government under Social Welfare Department and similar award presented by AVS (Agency for Volunteer Service).

Remarks: Services from 1 January to 31 December of each year.  No accumulation of hours to subsequent years is allowed unless with special approval by the screening committee.

2.         Hour Award – Annual Corporate Volunteer Award

Organizations registered their names with HKCMC as corporate volunteers are eligible to the following award in each service year:

–          Caring Magic Ruby Service Award(愛心魔法紅寶石服務獎):

Over 1000 Volunteer Hours per year of service

–          Caring Magic Emerald Service Award(愛心魔法翡翠服務獎):

Over 5000 Volunteer Hours (but less than 10,000 hours) per year of service

–          Caring Magic Sapphire Service Award(愛心魔法籃寶石):

Over 10,000 Volunteer Hours per year of service

Remarks: Services from 1 January to 31 December of each year.  No accumulation of hours to subsequent years is allowed unless with special approval by the screening committee.

Apart from achieving the above awards, corporations with substantial contribution and support to HKCMC are eligible to be nominated Hong Kong Caring Company or other awards in Hong Kong by HKCMC.

3.           M.A.G.I.C. Award – Caring Magic Volunteer Leadership Award

Individual volunteers who want to achieve further leadership award with HKCMC.  This is a different award for volunteer leaders. There are five key areas of assessment for this award in developing  all-rounded volunteer leaders (These award points can be carried forward for a continuous of 3 years at most).

3.1  Management (M)

Interpretation: Volunteers are encouraged to take management and leading roles with HKCMC in handling service projects or being team leaders.

Measurement: “M” is measured on the related number of service hours contributed by volunteers.

“M” = 1 point for each service hour – includes preparation time

3.2  Alignment (A)

Interpretation: Volunteers are encouraged to action with HKCMC’s mission and objectives by aligning with other organizations or working partners.

Measurement: “A” is measured on number of sound supporting organizations, number of sound new projects, as well as number of registered volunteers brought in.

“A” = Alignment referral

–          10 points for successfully brought in one sound supporting organization to HKCMC

–          5 points for successfully brought in one sound new project to HKCMC

–          5 points for successfully introducing HKCMC as supporting organization to any sound charity projects

–          1point for successfully referred one registered volunteer

3.3  Growth (G)

Interpretation: HKCMC cares the personal growth of our volunteers.  Volunteers are encouraged to develop their personal skills as volunteer leaders.  Such skills include self-development, communication, problem-solving, volunteer skills (when handling elderly, children, disables), coordination, motivation and negotiation skills.

Measurement: “G” is measured on the number of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) hours in participating in recognized training sessions organized by HKCMC or external organizations (with evidence proof).  Hours involved as facilitators and trainers of HKCMC programs are also eligible in this category.

“G” = Based on CPD hours

–          As trainee in training programs:

2 points for each CPD hour for HKCMC programs (depends on the level of skills with the program)

1 point for each CPD hour for recognized non-HKCMC programs

–          As facilitator or trainer in training programs of HKCMC:

5 points for each hour of involvement as CPD

3.4  Involvement (I)

Interpretation: Volunteers are encouraged to involve their time and efforts to community services.  These include services organized by HKCMC or other recognized NGOs.

Measurement: “I” is measured on the number of volunteer hours contributed to services organized by HKCMC or other recognized NGOs.

“I” = 1 point for each reported service hour for both HKCMC services and non-HKCMC services (includes preparation time)

3.5  Contribution (C)

Interpretation: Volunteers are encouraged to contribute to the organization in terms of bringing in volunteer manpower to support events and functions or give financial support as donation (Remarks: All single donation over HKD100 is eligible for tax deduction for Hong Kong Tax with HKCMC official donation receipt).

Measurement: “C” is measured on the contribution in terms of manpower or financial support (direct donation or indirect donation) to HKCMC.

“C” = Manpower and financial resources

–          Manpower support – 1 point for each volunteer brought in to support services each time

–          Financial support – 1 point for each HKD100 contributed directly or indirectly

Volunteers are allowed to move on to the next stage when they meet all the 5 MAGIC criteria.  The Caring M.A.G.I.C. Award can be classified into different “Wand”

Points Management(M) Alignment(A) Growth(G) Involvement(I) Contribution(C)
1-Wand 200 100 100 1000 100
2-Wand 400 200 200 2000 200
3-Wand 600 300 300 3000 300
4-Wand 800 400 400 4000 400
5-Wand 1000 500 500 5000 500

Remarks: All the points awarded for the above five key factors can be accumulated and brought forward to subsequent years only for a continuous of 3 years.

For those who have attained a certain level award for all the 5 criteria, they are eligible to be nominated by council of HKCMC to achieve the Caring Magic Volunteer Leader Award

–          One Caring Heart Volunteer Leader (Achieve 1-Wand for all M.A.G.I.C. criteria)

–          Two Caring Hearts Volunteer Leader (Achieve 2-Wand for all M.A.G.I.C. criteria)

–          Three Caring Hearts Volunteer Leader (Achieve 3-Wand for all M.A.G.I.C. criteria)

–          Four Caring Hearts Volunteer Leader (Achieve 4-Wand for all M.A.G.I.C. criteria)

–          Five Caring Hearts Volunteer Leader (Achieve 5-Wand for all M.A.G.I.C. criteria)

Five Caring Hearts Volunteer Leader Award is the ultimate goal in the path of the caring magic leadership development.  It is the highest achievement for all Caring Magic Volunteer Leaders within HKCMC.