香港愛心魔法團 獲 社會福利署中西南及離島區推廣義工服務協調委員會 邀請出席 2015年11月14日 (星期六) 舉行的『積極人生放《義》彩』2014-15義工分享交流會暨嘉許典禮,並擔任表演嘉賓及分享義務工作體驗之旅的感受,向在場人士分享以愛心魔法服務社會的喜與樂。 理事會主席MagicWilson温思聰先生、少年義工隊隊長張鋕洭先生( Derek Cheung) 和魔術師義工陳耀堅先生 紛紛藉著愛心魔法的表演及義工心路歷程的分享,介紹義工工作和激勵大家要勇於面對逆境。
Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the sharing session organized by the Social Welfare Department – Central Western, Southern and Islands District Co-ordinating Committee on Promotion of Volunteer Service to perform Caring Magic for the participants on 14th November, 2015. Our council chairman MagicWilson, volunteer magicians Derek and Siukin shared caring magic and the experiences of volunteer works and offered them support and encouragement to deal with struggles.
Our volunteers also shared the positive energy with magic trick “Future Heart Ring” ,and hoped the participants can keep self-improvement, spreading the love and care to everyone. The atmosphere was very lively, and we all enjoyed it!