紅山獅子會於2015年12月19日 邀請本團到九龍工業學校出席活動「福星高照迎聖誕 紅獅愛心展關懷」,本團愛心魔法關愛計劃課程導師張懷基先生(Ricky)代表出席支持並表演愛心魔法,為一眾老友記預祝聖誕,歡度佳節!
Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event「福星高照迎聖誕 紅獅愛心展關懷」organized by Red Hill Lions Club on 19th Dec., 2015 in Kowloon Technical School. Our volunteer magician Ricky brought a fantastic magic show to the elderly to pre-celebrate the Christmas and also invited them to give assistant during the show. Everyone enjoyed it!