2015-8-19 愛心魔法關愛計劃 – 香港仔坊會


是次接受培訓的學員年齡由8歲到超過70歲不等, 另外有南亞的小朋友。參與培訓的小朋友,小小年紀就明白到透過愛心魔法去服務社會;當然還有參與培訓長者,退休生活得到豐富之餘又能繼續回饋社會,活到老學到老服務到老這種積極向上的人生態度實在讓人敬佩!負責魔術培訓的本團主席MagicWilson表示,很高興愛心魔法能聯繫到地區的義工服務範疇里,並超越了年齡和種族的界限,達到真正的大愛和社會共融。

It was HKCMC’s pleasure to be invited by Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association to teach the members caring magic through Caring Magic Scheme (CMS). The participants were enthusiastic and devoted to learning, also they both interested in putting caring magic into volunteer work. The CMS training helped the participants to improve their self-confidence, communication skills and creativity. Furthermore, equip them with skills to utilize magic tricks in order to elevate positivity and kindliness, which will help to reinforce positive thinking when facing adversity.

The participants aged from 8 to over 70 years old, as well as the little friends from South Asian. Those children realized how to serve the society through caring magic even though they were still young; For the elder participants, not only their retired lives could be enriched, but also they would contribute to the society continually via caring magic sharing. As we often remarked, “Never old to learn, never old to serve”! The trainer of the CMS (Council Chairman of HKCMC, MagicWilson) was glad that caring magic can spread the recipe of happiness beyond the boundaries of age and race.‘