香港教育學院 蕊展計劃 邀請香港愛心魔法團 義工為 2015年8月22日舉行的 — 「蕊展計劃 社交小組畢業禮」進行魔術表演,並有幸與在場人士一起見證小朋友的畢業典禮。畢業證書頒發后是出席畢業禮的小朋友的畢業歌唱演出,小朋友非常活潑可愛,演出很成功,場面十分熱鬧。
It was Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus’ honor to be invited to take part in the graduation ceremony of The Hong Kong Institute of Education – Project Aspire on 22th Aug,2015 , and witnessed the graduation ceremony of the children with their parents. There was a excellent singing show after awarding the graduation certificates to the children. The show was very successful , and all of us enjoyed it.
Our Volunteer Siu Kin brought a fantastic magic show to the children and invited them to give assistant during the show. The coordination of the children made the show wonderful. At the end, wish the children will grow up happily and healthily!