MAGIC bringing out Love and Care!

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus Activities Highlights(2009-2012)

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus 香港愛心魔法團

The First Charitable Entity in the World using Magic to Bring out Love and Care

Magic turns impossible things to possible!  Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus (HKCMC) was registered as a charitable entity in Hong Kong on 8 September 2009 under the Hong Kong Societies Ordinance.  It had been granted tax exemption under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.  It aims  to bring out love and care through magic-oriented community performance, training to volunteers and cooperation among non-government organization, corporations, schools and individuals.  HKCMC is the first charitable entity in the world using magic as a training medium for building up volunteers confidence, communication skills and anti-adversity ability and encourage them to serve community.

Originally when it was formed, the council comprised 17 volunteers coming from different professions, including accounting, legal, finance, education, training, engineering, marketing, public sector and commerce.  The founder is Mr. Wilson Wan Sze Chung 溫思聰 (a.k.a. Magic Wilson) who initiated and supported the work of the entity after his health problem in 2009, in which he was enlightened with the importance of happy life and positive attitude.  He decided to spend over half of his everyday life to work voluntarily on the entity and contributed his time and effort on its development.  Over the past five years, HKCMC has grown fast to over 630 volunteers committing thousands of hours in community services in a year.  Over 600 community services were completed in the past 7 years since establishment.

In the coming 5 to 10 years, HKCMC aims to become the first uniform unit in the World using magic to train up teenagers and volunteers to serve better community through magic-oriented training.

The First Entity in the World that Broke the Guinness World Records for the Largest Magic Lesson Previously Maintained by World Famous David Copperfield

On the day of 5 November 2011, HKCMC also proved the magic of making impossible to impossible within one month of preparation.  Under the leadership of its council chairman, Magic Wilson, a group of 435 volunteers from different walks of life (excluding helpers) had achieved a new record in the Guinness World Records Challenge by learning the Largest Magic Lesson (previously held by world famous Magician, David Copperfield at that time) without incurring any expenditure for assessment use.  More than 30 supporting entities are involved in this new record at Hong Kong Community College by learning the magic “Loving Hearts” that brings out the theme of love and care.

The First Magic Anti-Drug Project – Create Our Magical Sky! 同一樣的魔法,不一樣的天空!(Funded by Beat Drugs Fund in Hong Kong) in the World

English Street article 

Another big achievement is the completion of the first-ever 18-District Magic Anti-drug Project – “Create Our Magical Sky! 同一樣的魔法,不一樣的天空!”(Funded by Beat Drugs Fund)” from January 2011 to May 2012.  It is the first anti-drug project that uses magic as the promotional and training tools in promoting anti-drug messages and serving as preventive measures in the areas.  The project received greatest success in the history of its kind in Hong Kong with over 50 supporting entities.  Throughout a period of 18 months, the first-ever Magic Drama Competition was held with over 20 secondary schools forming teams to participate.  It was well received with wide media coverage for the project and the winning teams.  The more magical milestone is that a Magic Anti-drug Journey had been completed by its volunteer team led by its council chairman Magic Wilson.  The team had successfully completed a healthy school visit to 25 secondary schools in all 18 districts throughout Hong Kong.  It is the first project of its kind using magic to achieve the preventive and education objectives in anti-drug work.  Over 10,000 students and teachers had participated in this 18-month project with encouraging feedback.  Students were made aware of the importance of self-confidence, communication and problem solving ability to fight against drugs using magic related activities.  Over 100,000 web browsers on the event were achieved over the 18-month period with minimal budget.

The First Cross-entity Social Contribution Project in the World – Caring Magic Scheme 愛心魔法關愛計劃

     Cheers to our Rotary Magic Caring Ambassadors!!! Hurray!

In order to better utilize social resources and encourage cross entity cooperation, HKCMC had launched the first ever in the World to encourage volunteer and community services through magic performance and sharing, bringing out the messages of love, care and positive life.  Under the leadership of Magic Wilson, the Caring Magic Scheme 愛心魔法關愛計劃 was successfully launched in November 2010, with over 15 entities being nominated as Caring Magic Partners 愛心魔法關愛夥伴 to create a cross-entity cooperation (this utilizes public resources to serve community and creates better synergies among various entities in volunteer works).  HKCMC will train up representatives from various Caring Magic Partners who committed to encourage their people to participate and contribute to social services after learning the caring magic trained through the scheme.  Any successful graduate from the program who completed a social service is eligible to be nominated as Caring Magic Ambassador 愛心魔法關愛大使 who fulfills social responsibilities. It is a significant move to encourage more companies to fulfill their corporate social responsibilities.

The First-ever Magic Educational TV Series in Liberal Studies with a TV Channel in Hong Kong

In mid-2012, under the leadership of Magic Wilson, HKCMC were invited and cooperated with The Asia Television 亞洲電視 (ATV) 通識小學堂 and launched an educational program called 《魔法顯愛心》 aiming to educate the public on personal development issues through magic teaching and sharing. The session was well-received and is continuing to broadcast every week.  It is a breakthrough in educational programs as it is the first program of its kind teaching magic and bringing out the magic in personal development and liberal studies with interactive exercises.  The program had been broadcasted for over 20 episodes.  

Launching of The first-ever Training-Mentoring-Job Matching project through magic oriented training in the World 《魔法啓夢計劃》

Kick-off ceremony of Mag-Lightenment Project was held on 25th Nov 2012

In September 2012, HKCMC had announced to launch its first-ever Magic Training-Mentoring-Job Matching project (Mag-Lightenment Project) 《魔法啓夢計劃》 in Hong Kong.  The aim of the project is to train up more un-employed teenagers and equip them with a positive mind and attitude and problem solving ability through magic related training, with industry coaching from volunteer mentors in different industries and conduct the dream career matching with those graduated candidates.  This is another 18-district project lining up all sectors and industries in Hong Kong to resolve the social problem of 隔代貧窮 and create a better worth for our young generation. The project targets to achieve 100,000 individuals in Hong Kong.  (Appendix )

Media Coverage :

Cable TV 有綫電視 小事大意義(6/3/2012) http://cablenews.i-cable.com/webapps/program/wish/videoPlay.php?video_id=1011275

TVB 節目”文化新領域” (17/3/2012)(24/3/2012)(31/3/2012)

爽報 爽人物Sharp Daily Interview Internet Version (21/3/2012)Online Version http://www.sharpdaily.hk/article/news/20120321/69721

English Street (Hong Kong Economic Times) (2/4/2012)

ATV 亞洲電視 通識小學堂



TVB 翡翠台 放學ICU <> (20/6/2012)

亞洲電視 《感動由你開始》(06/07/2012) http://www.hkatv.com/lovefromyou52

媒體報道 – 文匯報 (3/9/2012)http://paper.wenweipo.com/2012/09/03/HK1209030035.htm


CT goodjobs.hk 報導–魔法啟夢計劃大使「蜘蛛女」鄭麗莎Lisa「啟夢」之路! http://www.caringmagic.org/100k-cmf

香港電台第五台「有你同行」主持李仁傑 的訪問  http://programme.rthk.hk/channel/radio/player_popup.php?pid=5183&eid=192897&player=media&type=archive&channel=radio5&date=20121001&d=2012-10-01&sHour=17&sMin=04&eHour=17&eMin=59&part=2

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