恭喜本團理事會主席Magic Wilson溫思聰先生於2014年11月25 日 「2014香港精神大使委任禮」 上正式獲委任為2014年香港精神(HK Spirit)大使,日後肩負到訪全港各學校和社區分享他的生命故事,以鼓勵更多的朋友要有逆境自強、勇於創新、承擔、樂觀適應和關懷互助的精神。他面對多年來的不同逆境都能一一衝破並以生命影響生命,包括透過愛心魔法訓練更多的義工領袖實在值得我們學習!(活動的支持單位包括商業電臺、星島報業集團、觸動傳媒、智經研究中心和香港精神,這年也製作了一套感動人心的書和短片跟大家分享!) (其他本屆的香港精神大使包括蔡鴻成、魏華星、方文聰、陳衍泓、蔡鴻成、黄岳永先生)
Congratulations to our Council Chairman, Mr. Wan Sze Chung (Magic Wilson) awarded as 2014 Hong Kong Spirit Ambassadors at the 2014 Hong Kong Spirit Ambassador Appointment Ceremony held on 25th November , 2014 with a mission and role to visit different schools and districts sharing his life stories with others through his caring magic. Hope more and more people can bring into their life persistence, passion for innovation, adaptability, optimism, passion for innovation and caring for others. He successfully overcame various downturns in his life. By using life to influence life, he shares his caring magic with more and more people aiming to train up more volunteer leaders for us.
2014香港精神大使溫思聰Magic Wilson