2015-6-2 律敦治醫院- 日間活動 探訪

香港愛心魔法團義工於2015年6月2日再次獲邀探訪灣仔律敦治醫院的病人,本團理事會副主席 Kenny Fong 除了為他們表演精彩的魔術之餘,更帶來了別出心裁的小提琴表演,令活動增添不少色彩。 另外,義工隊隊長 Iver及義工魔術師 Hendrick 在探訪過程中與在場病友進行互動魔術表演,又聯同其他出席的義工一起教授小魔術,大家一起渡過了歡樂而有充滿正能量的下午!再次感謝出席的魔術師和義工的熱情和積極!

On the 2nd of June, 2015, we are invited by the Ruttonjee Hospital again to perform Caring magic for patients who are receiving Palliative Care. Kenny Fong , our council vice-chairman have brought patients fun and excitement with his magic performance and violin solo.

Our volunteer magicians Iver , Hendrick and fellow volunteers have brought patients fun and excitement with their magic tricks. They interacted with audience in order to share the warmth of Caring Magic with patients. We are hoping to try our best to bring them laughter and make them feel relaxed by performing and practicing Caring Magic, so as to increase their quality of life. Thank you all for the participation!