2015-7-18纪利華木球會 – 幼吾幼慈善基金-親子暑期同樂日

由幼吾幼慈善基金舉辦的親子暑期同樂日於2015年7月18日(星期六)舉行,為小朋友提供同樂日以歡渡暑假。香港愛心魔法團 獲邀請參與活動。本團魔術師義工Thomas更為大家帶來精彩的魔術表演,他更邀請台下的參加者上台進行魔術互動,現場氣氛非常熱烈,為大家帶來了一個歡樂的下午。

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event organized by We R Family Foundation to perform Caring Magic for the children on the 18th of July, 2015. Our Volunteer Thomas has performed a series of interesting Caring Magic and brought participants fun and excitement with his magic tricks; this has really made a excellent day for all of us!