在社會企業愛烘焙餐廳(i-Bakery), 當擁有關愛精神的“愛心新世界”遇上愛心魔法: 變成了一個愉快的義工訓練分享活動。本團理事會主席MagicWilson溫思聰和團隊Candy和Polly跟愛心新世界的義工分享了愛心魔法, 大家透過愉快學習提升了正能量和歡樂(當中也有愛烘焙餐廳阿威的工作分享); 其實義務工作能把快樂帶給別人的同時, 義工本身也感到更快樂和有人生的啟發; 透過互相扶持, 鼓勵和分享帶出共融精神! 我們期待往後更多一起合作服務社會的機會!
At social enterprise “i-Bakery”, when “Love New World” meets “Caring Magic”: it creates a magic moment with care and happiness! Our council chairman MagicWilson and his team shared with the participants and teach them some caring magic for volunteer services with great fun and sharing (including work sharing from Ah Wei from i-Bakery). Indeed, as volunteer, one can bring happiness to others while bringing back more happiness and have more life insights. Through mutual support, encouragement and sharing, it builds up a harmonized society. We are looking forward to having more joint services to serve the needies in the community.