本團完成了在香港中文大學逸夫書院愛心魔法關愛計劃訓練。本團理事會主席MagicWilson溫思聰和少年義工隊隊長Derek張鋕洭透過教授愛心魔法和背後的個人成長元素(自信, 溝通, 抗逆和創意)加上他們兩位各自的生命故事, 帶出了義工服務的意義。希望各準愛心魔法關愛大使除了學懂愛心魔法之餘, 也能夠把更多的正能量分享給身邊的人, 並透過日後的義工服務以生命影響生命!
Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus had successfully completed another CUHK Shaw College Caring Magic Scheme by incorporating the personal development elements (self confidence, communication, anti-adversity and innovation). Our Council Chairman Wilson Wan (MagicWilson) and the Leader of our Youth Volunteer Team (Derek Cheung) had also shared their life stories with our prospective Caring Magic Ambassadors. We are looking forward to joining hands with them to succeed the caring and love with positive minds to our society through volunteer works and services!