2014-12-20 福星高照齊齊笑

香港愛心魔法團 獲紅山獅子會邀請出席於 2014年12月20 日(星期三) 舉行的「福星高照齊齊笑」,透過愛心魔法之表演,為居於天水圍的長者帶來關愛及歡樂。本團魔術師義工 Thomas除了表演精彩的魔術外,他更邀請台下的老人記進行魔術互動,參加者的表現非常活躍和興奮,為彼此帶來一個溫暖的聖誕!

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event organized by the Lions Clubs to perform Caring Magic for patients on the 20th of December, 2014. Our Volunteer Thomas Siu has performed a series of interesting Magic in order to share the warmth of Caring Magic with participants during Christmas.