香港愛心魔法團 參加了於2015年1月25日(星期日) 由北區青年商會舉辦 的「2015年就職典禮- 洋紫荊維港遊」活動。本團理事會主席MagicWilson 温思聰先生、魔術師義工 Ricky Cheung 及 Derek Cheung在活動上進行了愛心魔術的表演。同時更聯同其他香港愛心魔法團 的義工朋友 ( Benny Ng , Candy Hon) 為參加的北區家庭帶來愛心小魔術 的教學環節,透過魔術的互動教學帶出愛心和關懷的訊息!
Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event organized by the Junior Chamber International North District to perform Caring Magic on 25th January, 2015. Council Chairman of HKCMC, MagicWilson Wan, Volunteer Ricky Wong , Derek Cheung , Benny Ng and Candy Hon have performed a series of interesting CaringMagic and taught the audience to carry out simple Caring Magic tricks during the event. This has really made a fun and meaningful day for all of us!