由社會福利署東區及灣仔區青少年服務地方委員會資助,並由香港愛心魔法團與東區多個的青年中心合作的「健康潮人」校園推廣活動 延續魔法抗毒,到訪東區的中學宣揚禁毒訊息! 2015年1月25日,本團理事會主席MagicWilson温思聰先生到訪筲箕灣官立小學,以輕鬆的手法帶出抗毒訊息,把三個魔法抗毒錦囊–自信、溝通及抗逆力帶給各位同學!
Supported by the Local Committee on Services for Young People of Eastern and Wan Chai District of the Social Welfare Department , Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus ( cooperated with different Youth Centre in Eastern District) have gone to different secondary schools in Eastern district to perform magical shows, sharings on avoiding drugs and teaching students simple magic tricks, so schools and students may have a clearer idea on living a healthy drugless school life through a relaxing but interactive learning style. And we have been invited to do the sharing with the students from Shau Kei Wan Government Primary School on 26th January 2015 . Students are more aware of the importance of saying no to drugs, since we used Caring Magic to demonstrate the 3 elements of leaving drugs—which are self -confidence, communication and resilience.