2015-10-17 家園基金有限公司 – 家園與你遊維港

由家園基金有限公司舉辦的 的 「家園與你遊維港」於2015年10月17日(星期六)舉行,香港愛心魔法團 獲邀請參與活動。本團義工魔術師Ricky Cheung 聯同初次登場的的義工朱泳芝小姐為大家帶來精彩的愛心魔術表演,他們更與小朋友進行魔術互動,又聯合義工雲志芬、王煒琪 和李藹恩 扭汽球贈予各位參加的大朋友及小朋友,現場氣氛非常熱烈,為大家帶來了一個歡樂的下午。


Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event organized by Home Market held on 17th October 2015 to perform Caring Magic and balloon twisting for the children. Our Volunteers Ricky Cheung has performed a series of interesting Caring Magic with his new partner, Miss Chu. After that, partnered with other volunteers, they brought participants fun and excitement with their magic tricks and balloon twisting; this has really made a fun day for all of us!