2015-12-5 2015香港義工嘉許禮

社會福利署 推廣義工服務督導委員會 主辦的「2015香港義工嘉許典禮」於 2015年12月5日在石門鄉議局大樓大劇院 舉行,典禮由行政長官夫人兼義工總領袖梁唐青儀女士、民政事務局局長劉江華太平紳士及社會福利署署長葉文娟太平紳士擔任主禮嘉賓。典禮當日除了頒發獎項表揚義工對社會的貢獻外,還邀請到傑出義工分享經驗,藉此推動義工服務。本團義工協調小組主席裴玉珍女士及義工吳海燕小姐代表出席典禮,分享得獎者的喜悅及見證了「義工生活新體驗」年度主題的啟動儀式。

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event 「2015香港義工嘉許典禮」held by The Social Welfare Department -The Steering Committee on Promotion of Volunteer Service in She Mun Heung Yee Kuk Building Grand Theatre on 5th Dec,2015. The wife of the Chief Executive and Volunteer-in-Chief, Ms Regina Leung, Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr. LAU Kong Wah and Director of Social Welfare, Ms Carol Yip were invited to be the officiating guests of the ceremony, for awarding the volunteers’ outstanding contributions in the previous year. Our volunteers Ms Margaret Pui and Ms Mia Ng were as representatives and witnessed the joys of the volunteers!





