2015-2-8 第十四次義工訓練 – 蛻變

香港愛心魔法團 於2015年2月8日(星期日)舉行了第十四次義工訓練「蛻變」,承蒙各位義工朋友的來臨,與我們一同渡過了快樂的下午!活動當日很高興見到不少老朋友,也有些第一次參與本團活動的新朋友,各位參加者都玩得相當投入。臨近農曆新年,當天每一個人的快樂都感染著身邊的人,共渡了一個喜氣洋洋的下午!  大家把愛心與關懷的思想融入到魔術裡面,期盼能夠把愛心、關懷、自信、溝通等理念透過魔術向更多人散播!

The 14th volunteer training of Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus was held on 8 February 2015. We both have a wonderful and enjoyable time with our friends (both new and old friends) during the training.Participants can join together and share their love , care and happiness with each other through learning and performing the Caring Magic taught by our young magician , Derek and council chairman MagicWilson.

Finally, we would like to sincerely thank you for all of your support and participation on our 14th volunteer training ! Happy Lunar year and wish all of you have good lucks in the coming new year!