2015-3-14 愛心魔法關愛計劃(CMS) –香港浸會大學

在香港浸會大學的邀請和支持下,香港愛心魔法團在2015年3月14日再次到訪浸大,為參與的學生提供了為時六小時的愛心魔法培訓。是次接受培訓的同學都是 香港浸會大學 「晴心送安徽」(Positive Psychology Express或簡稱PPE) 的參加者,而計劃是希望透過在安徽舉辦一系列的推廣活動,以「正向心理學」為藍本,向當地居民推廣快樂和正面的訊息。



It was HKCMC’s pleasure to be invited by Hong Kong Baptist University again to teach a group of students whom are participants of Hong Kong Baptist University’s “Positive Psychology Express programme”. This programme is to raise happiness and positivity amongst the local by conducting a promotional campaign utilizing “Positive Psychology”. Therefore, this particular training scheme does not only allow the students to learn about caring magic, it had also been enhanced by adding the six main attributes of Psychology within training. Applying the key elements of “Past”, “Present” and “Future” helps the students to improve their self-confidence, communication skills and creativity. Furthermore, equip them with skills to utilize magic tricks in order to elevate positivity and kindliness, which will help to reinforce positive thinking when facing adversity. Last but not least, to spreading this recipe of happiness to the local population.