2015-3-7東區及灣仔區推廣義工服務協調委員會 – 義•愛•同行 ― 義工嘉許禮2015

由東區及灣仔區推廣義工服務協調委員會 主辦的『義•愛•同行 ― 義工嘉許禮2015』在2015年3月7日於社會福利署戴麟趾夫人訓練中心體育館舉行,香港愛心魔法團多位義工獲邀出席頒獎典禮,嘉許過去一年的傑出表現並接受嘉許狀,見證眾多位熱心投入社會服務的義工獲獎的一刻,其中本團義工隊隊長 劉志偉先生( Iver Lau ) 更獲選為 傑出義工。當日除了有嘉許禮的環節外,更有精彩的表演,包括:跳舞及雜耍表演等,眾多參加者都顯得相當投入,渡過快樂而有意義的一個下午!

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the ceremony organized by The Eastern and Wan Chai District Co-ordinating Committee on Promotion of Volunteer Service. Six of our volunteers have been awarded in the event, praising their invaluable contribution in community service during the previous year. In particular, our volunteer captain, Mr. Iver Lau, was shortlisted as the Outstanding Volunteer. Besides the award presentation, there were also some incredible performances conducted by other volunteers, such as dancing and vaudeville. What a beautiful and meaningful day for all of us!