2015-9-13 香港愛心魔法團六週年聚會- K歌義人派對

為慶祝香港愛心魔法團六歲生日, 本團於2015年9月13日在尖沙咀舉辦K歌義人派對,本團理事會主席溫思聰先生(MagicWilson)、理事李振邦先生(Jeffery)、義工協調小組主席裴玉珍女士(Margaret) 、義工隊隊長劉志偉先生 (Iver)、少年義工隊隊長張鋕洭先生(Derek)及一眾義工魔術師及義工朋友聚首一堂,場面十分熱鬧! 期間除了歌神湧現之外,還有有趣的小遊戲、豐富的聚餐及小魔術分享與教學,大家都玩得很盡興。很感謝各位一直以來對本團的支持,希望香港愛心魔法團以後的每個週年慶、甚至每一個活動都能見到你們的身影!

A karaoke party was held on 13th Sep,2015 to celebrate the sixth birthday of Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus. It gathered our council chairman MagicWilson, council member Jeffery and other volunteers like Margaret, Iver, Derek, Thomas, etc to celebrate the birthday of HKCMC. We had a lot of fun during the party; we were singing, playing games, sharing and teaching the magic tricks. Thank you so much for your supports to our team all the time, we are in expectation of seeing you in every coming activity!


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