2016-1-23 香港愛心魔法團-愛心魔法關愛計劃 訓練日(謝謝參與)

香港愛心魔法團 於2016年1月23日(星期六)舉行了愛心魔法關愛計劃 訓練日 ,活動內容包括愛心魔法體驗之旅(3小時)、愛心魔法表演及互動分享。承蒙各位義工朋友的來臨,與我們一同渡過了快樂的下午!感謝 本團理事會主席温思聰先生、少年義工隊隊長張鋕洭先生及愛心魔法關愛計劃課程導師張懷基先生、魔術師義工陳耀堅先生擔當是次計劃的培訓導師,感謝義工協調小組主席裴玉珍女士幫忙協調和安排義工人手。

在培訓過程中,導師們將心心相印、愛心明日環、抗逆之繩、自信之棒等多種愛心魔術授予學員。本團亦在活動結束前頒發了「愛心魔法關愛大使」證書予參與的本團義工,表揚他們優秀的表現的同時,亦象徵他們正式成為本團的「愛心魔法關愛大使」,致力將愛心魔法的訊息宣揚出去! 希望完成培訓的學員在未來的日子能夠運用愛心魔法,參與不同種類的義工服務,真正了解到魔術和愛心之間的緊密關聯,將所學的貢獻社會,以魔法帶出愛心與關懷。

「愛心魔法關愛計劃」是本團的重點計劃之一,目的為不同機構、團體的義工提供魔術培訓,用魔術進行社會服務。至2010年推出至今已有超過三十間機構參與本計劃,同時在2015年9月本團亦推出全新的「愛心魔法關愛計劃」,希望日後有機會與不同團體合作,繼續宣揚愛心魔法!詳情請瀏覽: http://www.caringmagic.org/caring-magic-scheme

The Caring Magic Scheme Training Day愛心魔法關愛計劃 訓練日was successfully launched on 23rd January, 2016, with 11 candidates being nominated as “Caring Magic Ambassador” 愛心魔法關愛大使 . Our council chairman Magic Wilson, three voluntary trainers Derek Cheung ,Ricky Cheung and SiuKin participated in this project as trainer to help our volunteers in learning Caring Magic.

With the help of CMS trainers, participants learnt various caring magics like Future Heart Rings, Loving Hearts during the 3-hour training program. All trainees have put on an above average performance and we hope the programme can equip them with skills to utilize magic tricks in order to elevate positivity and kindliness, which will help to reinforce positive thinking when facing adversity. Last but not least, to spreading this recipe of happiness to the society.

In order to utilize social resources and encourage cross entity cooperation, HKCMC launched Caring Magic Scheme (CMS) , a community service scheme to bring out the messages of love, care and positive life through magic performance and sharing.

More details : http://www.caringmagic.org/caring-magic-scheme