2016-5-27 香港精神 – 順利天主教中學

有時候,一些事情出現在你的生命裡,最初你並不知道他們是註定要出現的。當你經歷過成功與失敗以及生老病死等,你會意識到這些都是註定來塑造和成就你人生的因素。MagicWilson很高興能以 香港精神大使的身份與順利天主教中學的同學們分享他的故事。

Sometimes something comes into your life and you don’t know expect at first. But you will finally realize the success, downfalls, illness, injury, love, and death you experienced, which occurred to create who you are and who you become. Just like MagicWilson, became a man who was meant to be. MagicWilson felt happy to share his stories to the classmates at Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School.


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