2015-9-12 基督教懷智服務處- 將軍澳綜合復康服務中心- 躍動喜樂嘉年華  

由基督教懷智服務處- 將軍澳綜合復康服務中心主辦的『躍動喜樂嘉年華』在2015年9月12日於將軍澳尚德邨舉行,香港愛心魔法團亦獲邀到場組織攤位遊戲,本團義工更向在場人士教授「愛心明日環」的小魔術,藉魔法為現場參加者帶來正能量,希望他們繼續裝備自己,將愛心與關懷傳播開去,積極投入義務工作,現場氣氛亦非常熱烈! 少年義工隊隊長張鋕洭先生( Derek Cheung)亦在活動上進行了愛心魔術的表演,他更邀請台下的參加者進行互動,為大家帶來了一個歡樂的下午。

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event『躍動喜樂嘉年華』 organized by Wai Ji Christian Service on 12th  Sep,2015 in Tseung Kwan O. During the event, a game booth was organized to teach and share with the audience how to carry out simple Caring Magic tricks. Our volunteers also shared the positive energy with magic trick 「Future Heart Ring」,and hoped the participants can keep self-improvement, spreading the love and care to everyone. The atmosphere was very lively, and we all enjoyed it! volunteer magicians Derek  invited the audience to the stage for interactive activities during his performance of Caring Magic, which made a lovely day for all of us!