亞太扶輪青年會議(Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference, APRRC)是一個每年都在亞太區舉行的大型扶青活動,希望以不同類型的活動促進各地扶青團員的友誼、溝通及文化交流。而第十一屆亞太扶輪青年會議 亦於2014年7月10至13日假香港如心海景酒店暨會議中心順利舉行。此為該活動自10年前首度在香港舉辦後再次回歸。
2014 亞太區扶青會議以「觸動香港、感動您心」為主題,會議節目內容琳瑯滿目,包括歡迎晚宴、扶青工作坊以及國際文化晚會等等 , 參加者除了可以互相交流及討論於亞太區內的社會問題外, 更有機會親身體驗中國香港的傳統工藝,探索千變萬化的香港。
香港愛心魔法團 亦很高興能成為該活動的銅贊助之一,理事會主席溫思聰先生(身兼半島旭日扶輪社2014/15 年度社長) 更在歡迎晚宴中分享了他的魔法棒WAND (包括希望、行動、人際關懷和扶持以及決心毅力),將團結、共融的訊息配合香港精神滲透在各種愛心魔法當中,為來至亞洲各地的參加者帶來不少的驚喜。
Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference (APRRC) 2014
Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference (APRRC), one of the largest scale Rotaract annual events, that engages Rotaractors and their friends from the Asia Pacific region, has returned with the greatest joy in its birthplace – Hong Kong on 10-13 July 2014, a decade after being initiated in 2004.
The 2014 APRRC has several attractive specialties, such as the Welcoming Banquet , Rotaract Workshop and Cultural Night. It enables participants to celebrate the diversity and unity within joined countries and to discuss different issues from various regions while it also provides a chance to experience traditional Chinese arts and crafts.
The theme for the year is “Touch Hong Kong, Touch Your Heart”. Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus is happy to be one of the Bronze Sponsor to the event and our Council Chairman, Mr Wilson Wan (he is also the President of the Rotary Club of Peninsula Sunrise 2014/15) also shared his Caring Magic in the Welcome Banquet to deliver the key elements of Hong Kong Spirits and encourage participants to have Magic WAND (Wishes, Action, Network and Dedication) to achieve breakthrough in life and care others.