香港愛心魔法團團始創人兼理事會主席 MagicWilson 温思聰成為了ATV 2014 感動香港年度人物評選的入圍候選人之一。MagicWilson以過往在人生突破困難和挑戰的經歷化成愛心魔法關懷身邊有需要的人,為他們帶來歡樂,愛心和點點的關懷。於 09 年創立本團後,更努力訓練香港及內地學生當愛心魔法關愛大使,利用愛心魔法服務社會。他更以團的名義,設立服務獎學金給予香港的專上學院和大學,透過貢獻教育,鼓勵人(尤其是年輕人)關愛社會,成就互助互勉的精神。
《ATV 2014 感動香港年度人物評選》講演會 一眾入圍候選單位分享感動故事 : 請按此
The founder and council chairman of Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus (HKCMC) MagicWilson has been selected as one of the 25 Semi-finalists for the ATV sponsored Hong Kong Loving Hearts Campaign 2014 (2014感動香港年度人物評選). MagicWilson initiated and supported the work of HKCMC since 2009, in which he was enlightened with the importance of bring happiness, care and love to others after going through five downturns in his life.
He aims to train up teenagers and volunteers from both local and mainland to become Caring Magic Ambassadors to serve better community through magic-oriented training. Service scholarships have been donated in the name of HKCMC to universities and education institutes to encourage volunteerism and community services among youngsters.