2015-5-3 世界愛笑日

由新生精神康復會及笑出健康協會聯合主辦的「世界愛笑日」於2015年5月3日舉行,香港愛心魔法團獲邀請參與活動,並擺設攤位與大家分享愛心魔法。本團魔術師義工Ricky Cheung 為大家帶來精彩的愛心魔術表演,他連同本團其他義工與大小朋友進行魔術互動,大家都踴躍參與,度過了一個歡樂的下午!

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event organized by the New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association and Healthy Laughters Association held on 3rd May 2015 . During the event, a game booth was organized to teach and share with the audience how to carry out simple Caring Magic tricks. Our volunteer Ricky Cheung also performed a series of fascinating Caring Magic during the event ;this has really made a fun day for all of us!