愛心魔法關愛計劃(CMS) – 惠僑英文中學
九龍東北扶輪社社長Kenness Ng 及其他社員的熱烈參與亦為活動添上更多的樂趣和色彩。社員們不但與同學互動交流魔術技巧,亦在最後的分享環節中,積極協助同學了解如何在魔術表演的同時加入訊息,令到魔法表演更具個人特色,更具意義!
負責魔術培訓的本團理事會主席MagicWilson 温思聰先生及各參與的社員及老師對於同學的表現都感到滿意和驕傲,特別在最後的表演環節中,他們所展現的不但是個人的自信,同時亦呈現出他們具備在面對挫折或困難時所需要的勇氣和機智。這些種種的經驗,不論是成功或失敗,對於學生將來的發展和成長皆有著正面的影響。
It was HKCMC’s pleasure to be invited by Rotary Club of Kowloon Northeast(KNE) to teach a group of secondary students from Wai Kiu College to bring out the messages of love, care and positive life through magic performance and sharing. It also helps the students to improve their self-confidence, communication skills and creativity during the training.
The participation of Kenness Ng, President of Rotary Club of KNE and other Rotarians add a lot fun to the programme by joining with the students to learn , to perform and to comprehend the concept of including a message/meaning behind a magic trick, leading to a more personal and unique magic performance style.
Both the trainer of the programme(Council Chairman of HKCMC, MagicWilson) , teacher of Wai Kiu College and members of Rotary Club of KNE expressed their satisfaction and proud for the students’ behavior , because the students showed their confidence, as well as their ability to overcome failures and adversities with bravery and intelligence. Regardless of the outcome, this will always have positive impact upon their growth.
All students have put on an above average performance and we hope the programme can equip them with skills to utilize magic tricks in order to elevate positivity and kindliness, which will help to reinforce positive thinking when facing adversity. Last but not least, to spreading this recipe of happiness to the local population.