2015-1-25 伊利沙伯醫院病人資源中心- 義工新春聯歡

伊利沙伯醫院病人資源中心  邀請本團義工於2015年1月25日(星期日) 舉行的「義工新春聯歡」活動上進行魔術表演。本團魔術師義工 Ricky Cheung除了表演精彩的愛心魔術外,他更邀請參加者上台進行魔術互動,加上當天的特別嘉賓 –安德尊先生的出現,令會場氣氛相當愉悅,為活動增添許多的樂趣!

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event organized by the Patient Resource Centre of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital to perform Caring Magic in their volunteers’ event on 25th January, 2015. Our Volunteer Ricky Cheung has performed a series of interesting Magic in order to share the warmth of Caring Magic with those participants.