由 國際扶輪 3450 地區扶輪青年服務團 委員會主辦的『世界扶青週 – 樂扶嘉年華』在2015年3月8日於官塘康寧道遊樂場舉行,香港愛心魔法團亦獲邀到場組織攤位遊戲,分享和教授愛心魔法,現場氣氛亦非常熱烈! 身兼半島旭日扶輪社社長的本團理事會主席MagicWilson温思聰先生亦在活動上進行了愛心魔術的表演,他更邀請台下的參加者進行互動,現場氣氛非常熱烈,為大家帶來了一個歡樂的下午。
Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event “World Rotaract Week Carnival” organized by The Rotary International District 3450 District Rotaract Committee. During the event, a game booth was organized to teach and share with the audience how to carry out simple Caring Magic tricks. Our Council Chairman Magic Wilson, also known as the President of Rotary Club of Peninsula Sunrise, even invited the audience to the stage for interactive activities during his performance of Caring Magic, which made a lovely day for all of us!