為慶祝香港愛心魔法團成立五週年以及2014年度的國際義工日(Dec 5),本團理事會主席Magic Wilson溫思聰先生創作了「香港愛心魔法團團歌 – 愛心魔法照我心」以恭賀這個溫暖、歡樂的日子!現附上歌詞:
香港愛心魔法團團歌 (填詞:溫思聰 Magic Wilson)
—— – – – – 這份友情~ 這份至誠的心 為明天~
– – – – 關愛 燃亮~萬衆心 魔法 將我們的心緊~扣
愛 與真誠行義共發光~將 今天我們的~空間~照 亮 了
– – – 當真善美在我身 一起~關懷化成真~的心 永 奉~獻
團結~ 仁愛~ 關心~ 獻 愛~~心~~~~~
To celebrate the 5th anniversary of Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus and 2014 International Volunteer Day (Dec 5), our Council Chairman, Magic Wilson Wan Sze Chung written a theme song for Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus, named “Caring Magic Lights up lives”. Let’s go to the lyrics:
Caring Magic lights up lives
The theme song of Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus (Script: Magic Wilson Wan)
<Celebrating 5th Anniversary of Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus and 2014 International Volunteer Day>
——With our effort~ with our true heart~ with love and care, magic everywhere~
— When we are opening our eyes, we see our world is full of those~ in need, when there is a need to support, then our spirit will come up with love to share~
When we can link up our hearts, “teamwork” and “friendship” will be brought to build brighter world
“Together we serve” with care~ with heart~ with love~~~