2015-10-3新世界集團慈善基金-「飛躍新世界」年度嘉許暨分享日 2015

「飛躍新世界」年度嘉許暨分享日 於2015年10月3日下午在香港科學園舉行,香港愛心魔法團獲邀請參與活動,並擺設攤位與大家分享愛心魔法。本團義工在活動中與大小朋友進行魔術互動,有近400名「飛躍新世界」學員、家長、教練、義工朋友及社福機構參與,共聚一堂。大家反應非常熱烈,度過了一個歡樂的下午!



Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event 「飛躍新世界」年度嘉許暨分享日 2015 held on 3rd October 2015 in Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks . During the event, a game booth was organized to teach and share with the audience how to carry out simple Caring Magic tricks. Everyone enjoyed it!


2015-10-3 和富社會企業-「HK.WeCARE香港開心D」啟動禮

「HK.WeCARE 香港開心D」運動 啟動禮 於2015年10月3日下午舉行,香港愛心魔法團獲邀請參與活動,並擺設攤位與大家分享愛心魔法。政務司司長林鄭月娥以主禮嘉賓的身份出席參與啟動儀式,並鼓勵更多人香港人把愛心和希望帶給社區,從中領略到助人助己的喜樂,使有人都因這運動而變得「開心D」! 本團義工在活動中與大小朋友進行魔術互動,更有扭汽球送予小朋友,大家反應非常熱烈,度過了一個歡樂的下午!

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event “HK.WeCARE香港開心D啟動禮”held on 3rd October 2015 . During the event, a game booth was organized to teach and share with the audience how to carry out simple Caring Magic tricks. The Chief Secretary for Administration Carrie Lam has attended the ceremony and encouraged people to expend love and care to the community!

2015-10-2 東區健康潮人- 基督教香港信義會信愛學校

由社會福利署東區及灣仔區青少年服務地方委員會資助,並由香港愛心魔法團與東區多個的青年中心合作的「健康潮人」校園推廣活動 延續魔法抗毒,到訪東區的中學宣揚禁毒訊息! 2015年10月2日,本團理事會主席MagicWilson温思聰先生及義工隊隊長劉志偉先生 (Iver Lau)到訪基督教香港信義會信愛學校,以輕鬆的手法帶出抗毒訊息,把三個魔法抗毒錦囊–自信、溝通及抗逆力帶給各位同學! 今次活動中更加插了過來人分享的環節,透過分享者(花生哥哥)的親身經歷,令同學們了解到毒品所帶的的禍害!

Supported by the Local Committee on Services for Young People of Eastern and Wan Chai District of the Social Welfare Department , Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus (cooperated with different Youth Centers in Eastern District) have gone to different secondary schools in Eastern district to perform magical shows, sharings on avoiding drugs and teaching students simple magic tricks, so schools and students may have a clearer idea on living a healthy drugless school life through a relaxing but interactive learning style. And we have been invited to do the sharing with the students from The ELCHK Faith Love Lutheran School on 2nd October, 2015. Students are more aware of the importance of saying no to drugs, since we used Caring Magic to demonstrate the 3 elements of leaving drugs—which are self -confidence, communication and resilience. Sharing session provided by guest speaker also tell the children how serious the damage could be after taking drugs.

2015-9-22 探訪- 香港神託會耀安宿舍

本團義工 於 2015年9月22日 到訪香港神託會耀安宿舍,少年義工隊隊長張鋕洭先生(Derek)不但即場表演愛心魔法,更聯同一眾義工朋友教授愛心小魔法,為舍友們預祝中秋,歡度佳節!

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to visit “Steward Yiu On Dormitory” on 22nd Sep, 2015. Our volunteer Derek brought a fantastic magic show to the participants and invited them to give assistant during the show. Our volunteers have brought them fun and excitement with their magic tricks. They interacted with audience in order to share the warmth of Caring Magic. We are hoping to try our best to bring them laughter and make them feel relaxed by performing and practicing Caring Magic, so as to celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival. Everyone enjoyed it!

2015-9-19 紅山獅子會 – 「花好月圓齊歡唱 獅友老友齊迎月」

紅山獅子會 於 2015年9月19日 邀請本團到沙田崇真學校(小學)出席活動「花好月圓齊歡唱 獅友老友齊迎月」,本團魔術師義工張懷基(Ricky)代表出席支持並表演愛心魔法。活動還有歌唱表演等的精彩節目,為一眾老友記預祝中秋,歡度佳節!

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event「花好月圓齊歡唱 獅友老友齊迎月」 organized by Red Hill Lions Club on 19th Sep,2015 in Shatin Tsung Tsin School. Our volunteer Ricky brought a fantastic magic show to the elderly and invited them to give assistant during the show. There were a series of excellent  shows like singing to celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival. Everyone enjoyed it!

2015-9-13 香港愛心魔法團六週年聚會- K歌義人派對

為慶祝香港愛心魔法團六歲生日, 本團於2015年9月13日在尖沙咀舉辦K歌義人派對,本團理事會主席溫思聰先生(MagicWilson)、理事李振邦先生(Jeffery)、義工協調小組主席裴玉珍女士(Margaret) 、義工隊隊長劉志偉先生 (Iver)、少年義工隊隊長張鋕洭先生(Derek)及一眾義工魔術師及義工朋友聚首一堂,場面十分熱鬧! 期間除了歌神湧現之外,還有有趣的小遊戲、豐富的聚餐及小魔術分享與教學,大家都玩得很盡興。很感謝各位一直以來對本團的支持,希望香港愛心魔法團以後的每個週年慶、甚至每一個活動都能見到你們的身影!

A karaoke party was held on 13th Sep,2015 to celebrate the sixth birthday of Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus. It gathered our council chairman MagicWilson, council member Jeffery and other volunteers like Margaret, Iver, Derek, Thomas, etc to celebrate the birthday of HKCMC. We had a lot of fun during the party; we were singing, playing games, sharing and teaching the magic tricks. Thank you so much for your supports to our team all the time, we are in expectation of seeing you in every coming activity!

2015-9-12 基督教懷智服務處- 將軍澳綜合復康服務中心- 躍動喜樂嘉年華  

由基督教懷智服務處- 將軍澳綜合復康服務中心主辦的『躍動喜樂嘉年華』在2015年9月12日於將軍澳尚德邨舉行,香港愛心魔法團亦獲邀到場組織攤位遊戲,本團義工更向在場人士教授「愛心明日環」的小魔術,藉魔法為現場參加者帶來正能量,希望他們繼續裝備自己,將愛心與關懷傳播開去,積極投入義務工作,現場氣氛亦非常熱烈! 少年義工隊隊長張鋕洭先生( Derek Cheung)亦在活動上進行了愛心魔術的表演,他更邀請台下的參加者進行互動,為大家帶來了一個歡樂的下午。

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event『躍動喜樂嘉年華』 organized by Wai Ji Christian Service on 12th  Sep,2015 in Tseung Kwan O. During the event, a game booth was organized to teach and share with the audience how to carry out simple Caring Magic tricks. Our volunteers also shared the positive energy with magic trick 「Future Heart Ring」,and hoped the participants can keep self-improvement, spreading the love and care to everyone. The atmosphere was very lively, and we all enjoyed it! volunteer magicians Derek  invited the audience to the stage for interactive activities during his performance of Caring Magic, which made a lovely day for all of us!

2015-8-31 香港精神 – 肺積塵互助會

本團理事會主席Magic Wilson温思聰先生於2015年8月31日 以 香港精神(HK Spirit)大使的身份到肺積塵互助會,與一班長者分享他的魔術人生,為他們表演精彩魔術之餘,更講述他如何一一衝破多年來所面對的不同逆境,並致力傳揚關愛社會的訊息,力求做到以生命影響生命。期間還教授 了明日環、變色絲巾、空中漂浮三個小魔術給現場的長者,大家都學得很開心,度過了一個愉快的下午!

MagicWilson, the Council Chairman of Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited as 2014 Hong Kong Spirit Ambassador to share his life experience with the caring magic to the elderly from Pneumoconiosis Mutual Aid Association on 31th Aug, 2015.

2015-8-22 香港教育學院蕊展計劃社交小組 畢業禮

香港教育學院 蕊展計劃 邀請香港愛心魔法團 義工為 2015年8月22日舉行的 — 「蕊展計劃 社交小組畢業禮」進行魔術表演,並有幸與在場人士一起見證小朋友的畢業典禮。畢業證書頒發后是出席畢業禮的小朋友的畢業歌唱演出,小朋友非常活潑可愛,演出很成功,場面十分熱鬧。


It was Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus’ honor to be invited to take part in the graduation ceremony of The Hong Kong Institute of Education – Project Aspire on 22th Aug,2015 , and witnessed the graduation ceremony of the children with their parents. There was a excellent singing show after awarding the graduation certificates to the children. The show was very successful , and all of us enjoyed it.

Our Volunteer Siu Kin brought a fantastic magic show to the children and invited them to give assistant during the show. The coordination of the children made the show wonderful. At the end, wish the children will grow up happily and healthily!


2015-8-19 愛心魔法關愛計劃 – 香港仔坊會


是次接受培訓的學員年齡由8歲到超過70歲不等, 另外有南亞的小朋友。參與培訓的小朋友,小小年紀就明白到透過愛心魔法去服務社會;當然還有參與培訓長者,退休生活得到豐富之餘又能繼續回饋社會,活到老學到老服務到老這種積極向上的人生態度實在讓人敬佩!負責魔術培訓的本團主席MagicWilson表示,很高興愛心魔法能聯繫到地區的義工服務範疇里,並超越了年齡和種族的界限,達到真正的大愛和社會共融。

It was HKCMC’s pleasure to be invited by Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association to teach the members caring magic through Caring Magic Scheme (CMS). The participants were enthusiastic and devoted to learning, also they both interested in putting caring magic into volunteer work. The CMS training helped the participants to improve their self-confidence, communication skills and creativity. Furthermore, equip them with skills to utilize magic tricks in order to elevate positivity and kindliness, which will help to reinforce positive thinking when facing adversity.

The participants aged from 8 to over 70 years old, as well as the little friends from South Asian. Those children realized how to serve the society through caring magic even though they were still young; For the elder participants, not only their retired lives could be enriched, but also they would contribute to the society continually via caring magic sharing. As we often remarked, “Never old to learn, never old to serve”! The trainer of the CMS (Council Chairman of HKCMC, MagicWilson) was glad that caring magic can spread the recipe of happiness beyond the boundaries of age and race.‘


以愛心魔法推動關愛教育, 從2009年底由我們17位義工誕下到現在有400多位義工的香港愛心魔法團轉瞬間已經6歲了。在過往多年我們成就了超過400多項的社會服務, 包括完成了禁毒基金資助的首個全港18區魔法禁毒計劃“同一樣的魔法,不一樣的天空!”, 開展了為待業青年啟航的“魔法啟夢計劃”, 推動了“全心庫予Social Enterprise社會企業計劃”, 首創了承傳義工精神的“愛心魔法關愛計劃”。更令我感恩的是能夠支持本團在多間大學命名了服務獎學金(包括香港中文大學逸夫書院的香港愛心魔法團愛服務獎學金, 香港理工大學的香港愛心魔法團服務學習獎學金, 和香港大學明德學院的服務獎), 鼓勵更多年輕人投入參與社會服務, 並把愛心魔法的精神延續下去。

發展團的承傳工程之際, 我更感恩這兩年獲選為第五屆香港傑出義工,第五屆香港精神大使,第五屆ATV感動香港年度人物入圍提名獎得主, 這些都使更多人能接觸到愛心魔法的理念。透過持續的義工服務和代表香港精神大使到學校做巡迴講座透過愛心魔法把更多的正能量傳播鼓勵更多朋友積極地面對人生和享受生活的每一項挑戰。

我當初真的沒有想到這從小看似微不足道的魔術興趣(這表演和文化藝術項目)能為這麼多人帶來美好。也沒有想過自己09年因壓力出現身體問題而面對死亡邊緣一幕後竟然能透過我29年前的魔術技能變出了我人生下半場的一個舞台, 開啟了更多人成為愛心魔法義工的魔術之門。在此, 我要代表本團感謝每一位現在和過去為本團付出過和支持我們的朋友, 因為有你們的魔術鑰匙, 我們才能變出這些帶出愛心和關懷的魔法! — (2015年8月20日)

香港愛心魔法團六週年聚會- K歌義人派對


香港愛心魔法團在即將到來的9月8 日便六歲了! 藉著這個的喜樂的日子, 本團希望邀請各位義工朋友一起參與「香港愛心魔法團六週年聚會- K歌義人派對」活動,與我們一起聯歡共聚,預祝中秋節!

活動:香港愛心魔法團六週年聚會- K歌義人派對

日期: 2015913


地點:尖沙咀RedMR紅人派對 ( 地址:尖沙咀加拿分道25號2樓28號房 )

活動內容 : 唱歌、小遊戲、聚餐及小魔術分享與教學,希望可以帶給大家一個開心愉快的假日。

費用: 8月31日前報名及繳費 : 每位HKD100 (包含食物及飲料)

現場報名 : 每位HKD 150 (包含食物及飲料)


中國銀行 Bank of China A/C no: 012-737-10157432

(香港愛心魔法團Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus

如有興趣參與,請於8月31日前 將以下的資料 連同入數紙(照片、Scan亦可, 請在入數紙上以正楷寫上姓名)電郵至 info@caringmagic.org 或 WhatsApp (Candy : 68472039  /  Garfield : 98089771)





存款日期** :

存款時間(時:分)** :


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收到有關資料後本團會發送確認電郵予各參加者。若有任何疑問,歡迎與本團韓小姐 ( Candy ) 或 吳小姐 ( Mia ) 聯絡,謝謝!



網頁: www.caringmagic.org

2015-8-10 生命熱線有限公司 – 冬瓜慈善愛心午宴

生命熱線有限公司 邀請本團義工於2015年8月10日舉行的「冬瓜慈善愛心午宴」活動上進行魔術表演。本團魔術師義工 Ricky Cheung除了表演精彩的愛心魔術外,他更邀請長者上台進行魔術互動,鼓勵他們積極健康生活,活到老樂到老,加上當天的特別嘉賓 –Joe Junior的出現,令會場氣氛相當愉悅,為活動增添許多的樂趣!

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event organized by the Suicide Prevention Services to perform Caring Magic in their volunteers’ event on the 10th August, 2015. Our Volunteer Ricky Cheung has performed a series of interesting Magic in order to share the warmth of Caring Magic with the elder,inspiring them to live happily ,to keep young and cheerful mind. Especially Joe Junior was invited as special guest ,making a lot of fun to everybody!




負責魔術培訓的本團理事會主席MagicWilson 温思聰先生對學員們的表現都感到滿意和驕傲。希望完成培訓的同學在未來的日子能夠運用愛心魔法,參與不同種類的義工服務,真正了解到魔法和愛心之間的緊密關聯,將所學的貢獻社會,以魔法帶出愛心與關懷。

It was HKCMC’s pleasure to be invited by Hong Kong Playground Association to teach a group of volunteers to bring out the messages of love, care and positive life through magic performance and sharing. It also helps the volunteers to improve their self-confidence, communication skills and creativity during the training.

By joining with the students to learn, to perform and to comprehend the concept of including a message behind a magic trick, they showed a more personal and unique magic performance style. In the sharing session, the trainees pointed out the reason of the happiness that was easily to be ignored and forgotten. A young trainee told us through the little magic trick that failure doesn’t need to be discouraged, and perseverance will eventually succeed. A big round of applause accompanies with the failure.

The trainer of the program (Council Chairman of HKCMC, MagicWilson) , expressed his satisfaction and proud for the volunteers’ behaviors. He hoped the program can equip them with skills to utilize magic tricks in order to elevate positivity and kindliness, which will help to reinforce positive thinking when facing adversity. Last but not least, to spreading this recipe of happiness to the local population.


更多活動照片,請瀏覽 : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153343414230041.1073741856.390864110040&type=3

全心庫予嘉年華 活動照片





2015-7-18纪利華木球會 – 幼吾幼慈善基金-親子暑期同樂日

由幼吾幼慈善基金舉辦的親子暑期同樂日於2015年7月18日(星期六)舉行,為小朋友提供同樂日以歡渡暑假。香港愛心魔法團 獲邀請參與活動。本團魔術師義工Thomas更為大家帶來精彩的魔術表演,他更邀請台下的參加者上台進行魔術互動,現場氣氛非常熱烈,為大家帶來了一個歡樂的下午。

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event organized by We R Family Foundation to perform Caring Magic for the children on the 18th of July, 2015. Our Volunteer Thomas has performed a series of interesting Caring Magic and brought participants fun and excitement with his magic tricks; this has really made a excellent day for all of us!

2015-6-28 + 2015-7-5 和富社會企業 – 愛家愛港「童」您茁壯成長 2015 海上聯歡會

由和富社會企業 主辦 的 「家愛港「童」您茁壯成長 2015 海上聯歡會」 於2015年6月28日 及7月5日 一連兩個星期日於香港洋紫荊維港遊船舉行,香港愛心魔法團 獲邀請參與活動。本團義工隊隊長劉志偉先生( Iver Lau) 、魔術師義工Ricky Cheung 及Ricky Wong 分別為活動帶來精彩的愛心魔術表演,他們更與小朋友進行魔術互動,又聯合義工 Ray , Vanessa 和 Wing 等扭汽球贈予各位參加的小朋友,現場氣氛非常熱烈,為大家帶來了歡樂的下午。

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event organized by Wofoo Social Enterprises held on 28th June and 5th July 2015 to perform Caring Magic and balloon twisting for the children. Our Volunteers Iver Lau and Ricky Cheung have performed a series of interesting Caring Magic . After that, partnered with volunteer Ray , Wing , Vanessa , they brought participants fun and excitement with their magic tricks and balloon twisting; this has really made a fun day for all of us!

新聞稿:2015年7月13日 – 全心庫予嘉年華(第二天)報道

由城市金庫贊助場地,香港愛心魔法團主辦的全心庫予嘉年華經過了一連兩個下午在一眾義工的努力支持下完滿結束。感謝「城市金庫」作爲場地和贊助單位、謝謝失魂魚的協辦、CareerTimes GoodJobs.hk為媒體支持及贊助(往後幾個月在其網上專欄也會詳細分享參與的社會企業營運的社會理念和精神)。共20個參與單位提供了超過30個遊戲和展覽攤位(當中包括免費參加的有獎攤位遊戲,有豐富的愛心貼貼樂、失魂魚村報事貼、魔術小禮物和套裝等獎品)。另外,各參與的社會企業和慈善團體都用心經營,令來臨的參加者充滿歡欣喜悅,而且能更了解各單位的社會使命,不但充滿教育意義,而且更達到互動的參與和支持!謝謝各義工和參與團體(包括本團在内,屬慈善團體包括救世軍Salvation Army、樂施會、九龍樂善堂、足動心靈、再生慈善基金、香港手語協會;其他參與的社會企業包括APlus Balloon、Acocake、失魂魚Bulooloo Creative Company、創造者協會、Dreams Lab、CarCarSmile, Oops!等)的努力支持和付出,讓這份正能量可以從這裏開始展開,也為大家帶來歡樂。感謝籌委會的Candy, Mia, Ark, Polly,Garfield從籌備開始兩個月來的努力。當天理事會主席Magic Wilson和幾位義工更分享了愛心魔法並教授了愛心魔法,其他義工朋友的投入和付出值得我們向他們致敬!社會需要更多的正能量,希望社會各界和大家繼續支持未來本團將舉辦的「尋找社企18 區徵文比賽」(分中學組和公開組),請鼓勵身邊的朋友支持和參與,為支持慈善團體和社會企業的工作和使命而出一份力打打氣!

With 2 days of contribution by each volunteer and social enterprise colleague, it marks the completion of the first-ever Social Enterprise Fun Fair held by the Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus.  In two days, 2,000 game tickets were distributed while participants enjoyed the great sharing and activities held at each booth.  On the other hand, it marked the start of the 2nd stage of the Hearts of Give project – Finding Social Enterprise 18 District Writing Competition (which targets at all secondary schools and the public who are interested and willing to contribute more positive energy to community)!



新聞稿:2015年7月12日 「全心庫予嘉年華」(第一天活動報道)

新聞稿:2015年7月12日  「全心庫予嘉年華」(第一天活動報道)

由城市金庫贊助場地,香港愛心魔法團主辦的全心庫予嘉年華第一天活動已經順利和愉快地完結。在短短兩個月的籌備中,有共20個參與單位提供了超過30個遊戲和展覽攤位(當中包括免費參加的有獎攤位遊戲,有豐富的愛心貼貼樂、失魂魚村報事貼、魔術小禮物和套裝等獎品)。另外,各參與的社會企業和慈善團體都用心經營,令來臨的參加者充滿歡欣喜悅,而且能更了解各單位的社會使命,不但充滿教育意義,而且更達到互動的參與和支持!本團的理事會主席溫思聰MagicWilson更親身採訪和感受了每個攤位遊戲,第一天只走訪了10個的攤位,已經感到非常充實。我們期待第二天(12/7)的活動和訪問(將會編輯成刊物和視頻大家細嘗並為大家報道-包括在CT GoodJobs的日後的網上專欄和本團網頁分享)。 如果第一天還未到場參加,希望7月12日下午1時到5時能見到大家!當然第二天也一定有我們的愛心魔法分享表演環節-城市金庫見!


Hearts of Give Fun Fair – A first-ever social enterprise fun fair organized by the Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus invited 20 NGOs, charities and social enterprises holding over 30 booths introducing their special social missions.  Our council chairman Magic Wilson had personally interviewed over 10 booths in the first day of the event and these will be shared in the online blog provided by Career Times CT GoodJobs in coming months.  Please keep an eye on that!


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香港愛心魔法團 – 2015-7-11 及12日 全心庫予嘉年華

全心庫予嘉年華將於本星期六及日舉行,各個參與單位亦準備就緒,與大家共渡一個有歡樂而意義的周末及周日。 希望當日有你的參與,大家一同全心賦予,從心出發、攜手合作,將愛心與關懷在社會上不斷傳揚!


日期 : 2015年7月11日 及12日 (星期六及日 )

時間 :下午1時正 – 下午5時正

地點 :香港北角電氣道233號城市中心商場地庫–城市金庫

活動內容:獨特創新的攤位遊戲 (魔術表演及教學,扭氣球,沙畫,似顏繪及環保物料等的主題藝術互動,手語互動,編織體驗,健康檢查及言語治療咨詢服務,康復治療及體驗,攝影展等)

– 場地贊助 : 城市金庫 (Maxi Base)
– 主辦單位:香港愛心魔法團(獲香港稅務條例第88條免繳稅之香 港慈善團體)


活動詳情,請瀏覽 :  全心庫予嘉年華 

Facebook 專頁: https://www.facebook.com/HeartsofGive

2015-6-20 愛心福袋賀端陽

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Our council chairman, MagicWilson Wan was invited to share and distribute his caring magic to elderlies and children in the event “愛心福袋賀端陽” organized by Hong Kong Association of Youth Development Wanchai District Branch (facilitated by Wanchai ECO Health Action, Wan Chai Friends, Energetic Wan Chai). The event was successfully held with laughs and happiness.

2015-5-29 灣仔區青年大使會第二屆就職典禮

香港愛心魔法團於2015年5月29日獲邀參與 灣仔區青年大使會第二屆就職典禮,見證一批新的「卓能小領袖」的誕生。晚會內容非常多姿多彩,有精彩的才藝表演,包括唱歌,跳舞等;還有刺激的抽獎環節,大家都渡過了一個難忘的夜晚!

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the 2nd inauguration of the Wan Chai Youth Ambassadors on 29th May, 2015, witnessing the nomination of the new 「卓能小領袖」. The dinner party was much diversified, including talent shows like singing, dancing, moreover, and lucky draw. All of us had an unforgettable party!

2015-5-30 義工生命力分享會 – 愛心魔法變出生命色彩

香港愛心魔法團 獲義務工作發展局 邀請出席於 2015年5月30日旺角社區會堂舉行的「愛心魔法變出生命色彩」分享會,本團理事會主席 MagicWilson温思聰先生,義工隊隊長劉志偉先生 (Iver Lau) 、少年義工隊隊長張鋕洭先生( Derek Cheung) 和義工 裴玉珍小姐(Margaret) 紛紛藉著愛心魔法的表演及義工心路歷程的分享,介紹義工工作和激勵大家要勇於面對逆境。


Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the sharing session organized by the Agency for Volunteer Service to perform Caring Magic for the participants on 30th May, 2015. Our council chairman MagicWilson, volunteer magicians Iver, Derek and volunteer Margaret shared caring magic and the experiences of volunteer works and offered them support and encouragement to deal with struggles.

Our volunteers also shared the positive energy with magic trick 「Future Heart Ring」,and hoped the participants can keep self-improvement, spreading the love and care to everyone. The atmosphere was very lively, and we all enjoyed it!

2015-6-2 律敦治醫院- 日間活動 探訪

香港愛心魔法團義工於2015年6月2日再次獲邀探訪灣仔律敦治醫院的病人,本團理事會副主席 Kenny Fong 除了為他們表演精彩的魔術之餘,更帶來了別出心裁的小提琴表演,令活動增添不少色彩。 另外,義工隊隊長 Iver及義工魔術師 Hendrick 在探訪過程中與在場病友進行互動魔術表演,又聯同其他出席的義工一起教授小魔術,大家一起渡過了歡樂而有充滿正能量的下午!再次感謝出席的魔術師和義工的熱情和積極!

On the 2nd of June, 2015, we are invited by the Ruttonjee Hospital again to perform Caring magic for patients who are receiving Palliative Care. Kenny Fong , our council vice-chairman have brought patients fun and excitement with his magic performance and violin solo.

Our volunteer magicians Iver , Hendrick and fellow volunteers have brought patients fun and excitement with their magic tricks. They interacted with audience in order to share the warmth of Caring Magic with patients. We are hoping to try our best to bring them laughter and make them feel relaxed by performing and practicing Caring Magic, so as to increase their quality of life. Thank you all for the participation!


在北京師範大學-香港浸會大學聯合國際學院(UIC)的全人教育義工服務發展中心 邀請和支持下,香港愛心魔法團於2015 年5月23日赴珠海進行了第四次的「愛心魔法關愛計劃」訓練,透過魔術提升同學的的自信心、溝通技巧及創意思維。

負責培訓的理事會主席MagicWilson溫思聰先生分享了愛心魔法的心得並對於同學們在過程中所表現的創意和認真感到非常高興,同時,他們能全身心投入訓練中並在短時間內把所學的關愛魔術相互連結並用不同的方法去實踐 (包括 : 默劇、小話劇等),現場氣氛十分熱烈。在最後分享環節中,同學們分享了對參加是次培訓的感想,更表示被MagicWilson的愛心魔法深深打動。


It was HKCMC’s pleasure to be invited and supported by Beijing Normal University – Hong Kong Baptist University United International College to hold the Caring Magic Scheme of Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus on 23 June, 2015 in Zhuhai. Classmates can improve their self-confidence, communication skills and creativity during the training.

The trainer of the program (Council Chairman of HKCMC, MagicWilson) shared his experience and felt pleasure for the classmates’ passions, creativities, and earnestness during the training that the classmates put their hearts in it. Moreover, they showed their talents on the caring magic by different methods in a short time (including performance and drama,).Everyone enjoyed a good time! In the sharing session,classmates shared the thoughts and felt deeply moved by MagicWilson.

MagicWilson believed this training could give an embodiment of a positive energy of love and care; he hoped the classmates could affect everybody around by caring magic, and to spread the seed of love and care to every corner.

2015-5-2保良局及洋紫荊維港遊 合辦 – 愛家愛港「童」您茁壯成長2015 海上聯歡會

由保良局 及洋紫荊維港遊 合辦 的 「愛家愛港『童』您茁壯成長2015 海上聯歡會」於2015年5月2日(星期六)舉行,香港愛心魔法團 獲邀請參與活動。本團義工隊隊長劉志偉先生( Iver Lau) 及 魔術師義工Ricky Cheung 為大家帶來精彩的愛心魔術表演,他們更與小朋友進行魔術互動,又聯合義工 Ray , Vanessa 和 Wing 扭汽球贈予各位參加的小朋友,現場氣氛非常熱烈,為大家帶來了一個歡樂的下午。

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event organized by Po Leung Kuk and Harbour Cruise – Bauhinia held on 2nd May 2015 to perform Caring Magic and balloon twisting for the children. Our Volunteers Iver Lau and Ricky Cheung have performed a series of interesting Caring Magic . After that, partnered with volunteer Ray , Wing , Vanessa , they brought participants fun and excitement with their magic tricks and balloon twisting; this has really made a fun day for all of us!

愛心魔法關愛計劃(CMS) – 惠僑英文中學

愛心魔法關愛計劃(CMS) – 惠僑英文中學


九龍東北扶輪社社長Kenness Ng 及其他社員的熱烈參與亦為活動添上更多的樂趣和色彩。社員們不但與同學互動交流魔術技巧,亦在最後的分享環節中,積極協助同學了解如何在魔術表演的同時加入訊息,令到魔法表演更具個人特色,更具意義!

負責魔術培訓的本團理事會主席MagicWilson 温思聰先生及各參與的社員及老師對於同學的表現都感到滿意和驕傲,特別在最後的表演環節中,他們所展現的不但是個人的自信,同時亦呈現出他們具備在面對挫折或困難時所需要的勇氣和機智。這些種種的經驗,不論是成功或失敗,對於學生將來的發展和成長皆有著正面的影響。



It was HKCMC’s pleasure to be invited by Rotary Club of Kowloon Northeast(KNE) to teach a group of secondary students from Wai Kiu College to bring out the messages of love, care and positive life through magic performance and sharing. It also helps the students to improve their self-confidence, communication skills and creativity during the training.

The participation of Kenness Ng, President of Rotary Club of KNE and other Rotarians add a lot fun to the programme by joining with the students to learn , to perform and to comprehend the concept of including a message/meaning behind a magic trick, leading to a more personal and unique magic performance style.

Both the trainer of the programme(Council Chairman of HKCMC, MagicWilson) , teacher of Wai Kiu College and members of Rotary Club of KNE expressed their satisfaction and proud for the students’ behavior , because the students showed their confidence, as well as their ability to overcome failures and adversities with bravery and intelligence. Regardless of the outcome, this will always have positive impact upon their growth.

All students have put on an above average performance and we hope the programme can equip them with skills to utilize magic tricks in order to elevate positivity and kindliness, which will help to reinforce positive thinking when facing adversity. Last but not least, to spreading this recipe of happiness to the local population.

2015-5-3 世界愛笑日

由新生精神康復會及笑出健康協會聯合主辦的「世界愛笑日」於2015年5月3日舉行,香港愛心魔法團獲邀請參與活動,並擺設攤位與大家分享愛心魔法。本團魔術師義工Ricky Cheung 為大家帶來精彩的愛心魔術表演,他連同本團其他義工與大小朋友進行魔術互動,大家都踴躍參與,度過了一個歡樂的下午!

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event organized by the New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association and Healthy Laughters Association held on 3rd May 2015 . During the event, a game booth was organized to teach and share with the audience how to carry out simple Caring Magic tricks. Our volunteer Ricky Cheung also performed a series of fascinating Caring Magic during the event ;this has really made a fun day for all of us!

2015-4-22 香港精神分享 – 上水宣道小學

香港愛心魔法團理事會主席 温思聰先生於2015年4月22日 到訪上水宣道小學,以香港精神大使的身份分享愛心魔法,講述過去人生起伏,藉此勉勵學生!

Magic Wilson shared Caring Magic and his life experience to encourage the students at Alliance Primary School Sheung Shui as Hong Kong Spirit Ambassador yesterday.




2015-04-17 真人圖書館 @IVE-CW

在上星期五(4月17日),香港專業教育學院(IVE)舉辦了第三次「真人圖書館 @IVE-CW」,更邀請了超過二十位嘉賓作為「真人書」供參與者「閱讀」。香港愛心魔法團理事會主席溫思聰先生(Magic Wilson)獲邀成為其中一本真人書- 「愛心魔法大師」。

Magic Wilson讓讀者翻閱他充滿起伏的人生經歷,從他過往遇到的五個人生谷底,到現在所面臨的一些挑戰,都一一與讀者分享。MagicWilson盼讀者能透過他的經歷獲得更多啟發,同時又分享愛心魔法,希望能勉勵讀者積極地面對困難與挫折。

除了Magic Wilson外,另一位第五屆香港精神大使方文聰先生也是今次活動的其中一位「真人書」,此外還有「再生百足勇士」蘇偉健先生、「我的生前葬禮」陳偉霖先生、「斷臂鬥士」高誌樫先生等嘉賓與讀者探討人生態度,讓學生能接觸到不同層面的人士,豐富他們的閱歷。

The event “Human Library@IVE-CW” was hold by Hong Kong IVE on the last Friday night(17th April). They invited over 20 guests as real human book for the participants reading. Magic Wilson, the Council Chairman of Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus, was invited to the event as one of the real human book.

Magic Wilson let the readers read his difficult and winding life. He hope to inspire reader’s thinking through these experiences sharing and encourage them to meet success positively through the Caring Magic sharing.

Except Magic Wilson, Mr. Fong Man-chung, the other 5th Hong Kong Spirit Ambassador also attended the event. Other real human books who has sufficient life experience such as Mr. So Wai Kin, Mr. Ko Chi Kin(Both are 2011 Hong Kong Spirit Ambassador) , Mr. William Outcast Chan etc. are all came from different background. The readers may access these real human books to broaden self horizons.




CIC在專頁《快樂香港人》分享了在第一屆香港快樂日,本團理事會主席Magic Wilson溫思聰先生精彩的愛心魔法表演!Magic Wilson以愛心魔法勉勵大家,盼所有人都能夠積極面對生活上的問題,衝破難關,開心快樂的度過每一天!

CIC shared the video of Magic Wilson’s Caring Magic performance (A part from the 1st Hong Kong Happiness Day) on their page. Magic Wilson hope people can face the problem constructively and break down barriers, enjoy their life every day!

Please go to the following link:


2015-3-29 香港城北扶輪社-扶輪長者健康推廣日

由香港城北扶輪社舉辦 的「扶輪長者健康推廣日」於2015年3月29日(星期日)舉行,香港愛心魔法團 獲邀請參與活動。本團義工隊隊長劉志偉先生( Iver Lau) 及 魔術師義工Thomas Siu 為大家帶來精彩的愛心魔術表演,他們更與長者朋友進行魔術互動,現場氣氛非常熱烈,為大家帶來了一個歡樂的下午。

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event organized by the Rotaract Club of Hong Kong City North held on 29th March 2015 to perform Caring Magic. Our Volunteers Iver Lau and Thomas Siu have performed a series of interesting Caring Magic and brought participants fun and excitement with their magic tricks; this has really made a fun day for all of us!

2015-03-28 香港快樂日

On Saturday, Our Council Chairman Magic Wilson joined the Hong Kong Happiness Day and shared his way to happiness. “Happiness is just like one side of a seed, whether we feel happy or not depends on how we cultivate that. We know how to face a problem and find ways to resolve it if we are willing to accept what our life gives us. We should encourage others by bringing them love and care – this is the magic of happiness.” said Magic Wilson.

2015-3-25 香港精神分享 – 聖公會呂明才中學

本團理事會主席 温思聰先生於2015年3月25日 到訪聖公會呂明才中學,以香港精神大使的身份分享愛心魔法,以自身的經歷勉勵學生!

Magic Wilson shared Caring Magic to encourage the students at SKH Lui Ming Choi Secondary School as Hong Kong Spirit Ambassador yesterday.






Magic Wilson, the Council Chairman of HKCMC has been interviewed by Sing Tao as Hong Kong Spirit Ambassador. He shared the experience of using Caring Magic to affect people’s live.


2015-03-21 柴灣馬登基金中學36週年校慶


The 36th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony of Caritas Chai Wan Marden Foundation Secondary School held on 21th March 2015. That was happy to attend the event and shared Caring Magic on the booth. The show was epic and the booths were all funny, we enjoyed the event so much!

2015-3-14 愛心魔法關愛計劃(CMS) –香港浸會大學

在香港浸會大學的邀請和支持下,香港愛心魔法團在2015年3月14日再次到訪浸大,為參與的學生提供了為時六小時的愛心魔法培訓。是次接受培訓的同學都是 香港浸會大學 「晴心送安徽」(Positive Psychology Express或簡稱PPE) 的參加者,而計劃是希望透過在安徽舉辦一系列的推廣活動,以「正向心理學」為藍本,向當地居民推廣快樂和正面的訊息。



It was HKCMC’s pleasure to be invited by Hong Kong Baptist University again to teach a group of students whom are participants of Hong Kong Baptist University’s “Positive Psychology Express programme”. This programme is to raise happiness and positivity amongst the local by conducting a promotional campaign utilizing “Positive Psychology”. Therefore, this particular training scheme does not only allow the students to learn about caring magic, it had also been enhanced by adding the six main attributes of Psychology within training. Applying the key elements of “Past”, “Present” and “Future” helps the students to improve their self-confidence, communication skills and creativity. Furthermore, equip them with skills to utilize magic tricks in order to elevate positivity and kindliness, which will help to reinforce positive thinking when facing adversity. Last but not least, to spreading this recipe of happiness to the local population.


2015-3-8 世界扶青週 – 樂扶嘉年華

由 國際扶輪 3450 地區扶輪青年服務團 委員會主辦的『世界扶青週 – 樂扶嘉年華』在2015年3月8日於官塘康寧道遊樂場舉行,香港愛心魔法團亦獲邀到場組織攤位遊戲,分享和教授愛心魔法,現場氣氛亦非常熱烈! 身兼半島旭日扶輪社社長的本團理事會主席MagicWilson温思聰先生亦在活動上進行了愛心魔術的表演,他更邀請台下的參加者進行互動,現場氣氛非常熱烈,為大家帶來了一個歡樂的下午。

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the event “World Rotaract Week Carnival” organized by The Rotary International District 3450 District Rotaract Committee. During the event, a game booth was organized to teach and share with the audience how to carry out simple Caring Magic tricks. Our Council Chairman Magic Wilson, also known as the President of Rotary Club of Peninsula Sunrise, even invited the audience to the stage for interactive activities during his performance of Caring Magic, which made a lovely day for all of us!

2015-3-7東區及灣仔區推廣義工服務協調委員會 – 義•愛•同行 ― 義工嘉許禮2015

由東區及灣仔區推廣義工服務協調委員會 主辦的『義•愛•同行 ― 義工嘉許禮2015』在2015年3月7日於社會福利署戴麟趾夫人訓練中心體育館舉行,香港愛心魔法團多位義工獲邀出席頒獎典禮,嘉許過去一年的傑出表現並接受嘉許狀,見證眾多位熱心投入社會服務的義工獲獎的一刻,其中本團義工隊隊長 劉志偉先生( Iver Lau ) 更獲選為 傑出義工。當日除了有嘉許禮的環節外,更有精彩的表演,包括:跳舞及雜耍表演等,眾多參加者都顯得相當投入,渡過快樂而有意義的一個下午!

Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus has been invited to the ceremony organized by The Eastern and Wan Chai District Co-ordinating Committee on Promotion of Volunteer Service. Six of our volunteers have been awarded in the event, praising their invaluable contribution in community service during the previous year. In particular, our volunteer captain, Mr. Iver Lau, was shortlisted as the Outstanding Volunteer. Besides the award presentation, there were also some incredible performances conducted by other volunteers, such as dancing and vaudeville. What a beautiful and meaningful day for all of us!


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